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Episode 123 - Fantasy Producing WrestleMania

Hi everybody and WELCOME, to a teleporting, pretaping, Judas Challenging episode of the Brothers...of Discussion! We’re going to talk everything from the benefits of Wrestlemania being pre-taped in an empty arena, former WWE talent letting their freak flags fly in AEW, that and much much more!

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WWE Wrestling News

  • Wrestlemania getting pre-taped

    • Pros

    • Cons

  • Free WWE Network

  • Gronk entrance!!!!!!!

  • #JudasChallenge

  • WWE copies/learns from AEW and changes Hard Cam

  • Whats a Boneyard match?

  • Randy Orton is HOT again

  • Rey Mysterio is down with the sickness

NXT News

  • Lolol who gives a fuck

  • I wtfed Aliyah shown crying due to Xia Li breaking her face, got amped for the rematch, and then the next thing we Xia crying in the back like a baby.

    • Leads to Io return….but still, cmon man, replacing an asian with an asian, and making the girls look like crybabies...

  • The only fun part of this show was Matt Riddle acting like he was in a sold out arena

    • Pointing at fans, fist bumping ghosts, clapping for a good grapple with Roddy

  • I missed it live, but I enjoyed seeing Dijakovic do a leap 

    • Priest with another weird promo about accumulating money and “ladies”

      • Hot tag, what does it mean to “have ladies”? And many of them?

  • Clock struck midnight on a new star?

    • That was the close after Triple H/Gargano/Ciampa promise to “end it” in “a building”

    • Also, they’re fighting in “an empty arena”

      • Well no shit, have you seen sports since COVID?

AEW News

  • Matt Hardy can teleport and is as crazy as ever

    • The “hole of ass”

    • “The bucks of youth”

  • Tony Schiavone(?) says he was nervous to call Dynamite last night, but he was great!

    • Cody as his wing man was perfect (although started rough with Lance Archer conversation)

    • Love the openness from Tony

  • Jake Jack nosells the Paradigm Shift lololol

  • Another crazy Brodie promo where he yells at his underlings for not waiting for him to finish eating before they take a bite

    • Some are saying he’s trying to be Vince

    • Beats QT Marshall

  • AAA Mega Championship Match: Kenny Omega vs. Sammy Guevara