Episode 71 - KofiMania Should be a Revolution

Episode 71 - KofiMania Should be a Revolution

The New Day and KofiMania is Just a Start

The Brothers of Discussion are back, with only a few weeks left before WrestleMania. We’ve got most of the NXT TakeOver card worked out, we’ve got the Universal Title ready to go. And the Women’s Main Event Match seems to be aggressively treading water.

For Kofi Kingston and the WWE Championship, it's a different story. The Brothers of Discussion hope to figure out what’s wrong with the WWE and hope that KofiMania leads to something greater!


  • EC3 wrestles on the main event, click-bait articles say he’s in the doghouse

  • Bully Ray thinks Ric Flair, Mr. Rousey, and McGregor should be in the corners for the Raw Women’s Championship. Sexist? Realistic? Click Bait-ic?

  • Tony Nese v Buddy Murphy decided for ‘Mania, and the roulette of challenges continues,

  • Mojo Rawley reflects on his reflections, with his new feelings vlog?


  • Mr. H announces bonerific qualifying match for NXT Strap contention

  • Kona Reeves...says his catchphrase or something

  • Forgotten Sons cut a forgettable promo “we hope black/ricochet win tonight, then they’ll be so distracted by that match, they’ll, erm, forget about us.”

    • Steve Cutler, Jaxson Ryker, and Wesley Blake

  • The only match of the night

    • Matt Riddle with back to back to back Germany-y suplex things??!

    • Cole being opportunistic

    • Dream with multiple double ax handles

    • Riddle with release German, bro-mission submission

    • Riddle/Cole faceoff, slap off, barefoot stomp, superkick into Bro-mission

    • dream/cole/bro with the slap of, finally a strike off ends with bro/black duel superkicks

    • Superdupermegaultra-plex onto ricochet

    • front/rear superkicks from cole to ricochet, last shot attempt reversed to reverse ‘rana and then a backflip over the top rope onto cole my god

    • Cole snags the ref to break up Bromission submission

    • Ricochet hits shooting star, but cole runs up with Last SHot to pin ricochet and advance to takeover

    • Dream hides his face from the cameras after the defeat


  • Drew McIntyre hits another home run, completing the sweep against the SHIELD: beating up Roman, pinning Dean, pinning Seth, and previously, pinning Kurt :)

  • Batista with a Scarface promo

  • Kurt Angle announces retirement match at Mania...vs Baron Corbin. Storyline fits, due to Corbin/Angle feuding over the GM role, but does this move the needle? We gripe so much about the old guard getting spots over young stars, but in this situation, it looks like there’s a large demand for Cena to be there. Discuss!

  • No Way Jose goes Super Sayan


  • Kofi Kingston overcomes Sheamus/Cesaro/Rowan/Joe/Orton, but McMahon throws Bryan in there, who Kofi isn’t able to overcome

    • I’m a fan of this storyline, please drag out his entry and make us grind out teeth, good storytelling!

    • Big E cuts a promo on what we’ve been harping for weeks, on the ceiling for black wrestlers

  • Miz/McMahon match compelling due to Miz’s mic work, imagine if he had a real story to fight for! “Outside of my wife and child, I’ve sacrificed every relationship I’ve ever had in this business for one thing: Wrestlemania….He proceeded to put his hands, on my FATHER.

  • New “fickle”, “injustice!”

  • Bayley and Sasha reinforce that they’re the first, and worst women’s tag team champions of all time

NXT UK (Derivative)

  • Eddie Dennis returns, topples Ligero

  • Dunne does British version of “GIMMEWHATIWANT”, requests a Walter clash at Takeover

    • Walter’s Twitter response: “Come on then!”

      • Did his phone autocorrect “Okie Dokie!”? And other tags :)

Episode 72 - Asuka Joins the Job Squad

Episode 72 - Asuka Joins the Job Squad

Copy of Happy 3-16 Day! AKA Stone Cold Steve Austin Day!

Copy of Happy 3-16 Day! AKA Stone Cold Steve Austin Day!