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The Battle for Pro Wrestling Supremacy Begins

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by Matthew Klink (@klinkmatt)


The WWE’s first response to AEW (whether it is meant to be intentional or it was coincidental) was the slow…plotting…less exciting…UK Performance Center opening. To the naked eye, Paul Levesque making the world aware of the exciting opportunities coming for the likes of the UK wrestling community. However, I think there was little something more…possibly?

The New War: WWE vs. AEW

Paul Levesque looked tired this morning. His scattered presentation was given while leaning against the top rope of his wrestling ring. In between each lackadaisical, bored, and tired proclamation, Paul studied the note cards in his hand.

Each darted look across the note card demonstrated his desperation to get out of the ring, but also served to let us know…that this presentation was not planned and was not something Triple H thought was necessary.

Apparently, he was in the UK, so his speech at the WWE UK Performance Center was actually being given at 5 am EST, but I couldn’t help but sniff out the feeling that this presentation was less about making an announcement, and more about providing a rebuttal. A rebuttal to the Young Bucks, Cody Rhodes, and All Elite Wrestling.

All Elite Wrestling’s Press Conference

AEW, or All Elite Wrestling, made its presence known this past Tuesday, January 8th, when Cody Rhodes, the Young Bucks, and that sneaky turd, CHRIS JERICHO, stood outside of TIAA Bank Fied and made some incredible, industry-shaking announcements:

AEW came in hot with the pomp and circumstance, but if you weren’t paying attention to the details, you missed the more important messages.

Cody Rhodes said he believes wrestlers are happy when they’re treated right (paid correctly). And “treating” them right will, in turn, make better wrestling for the fans.

Cody is preaching some heavy gospel here because he’s trying to take away the belief that you need to kill yourself to get paid. That you can only be successful if you pull yourself out of your deepest depths. That the never-ending grind would be the only way to find happiness.

I think he saw what that type of pain can bring to a family and Cody is trying to prevent that from happening again.

Regardless of whatever nonsense I’m trying to preach right now, Cody is making massive changes that should (and already have) force the WWE’s hand.

WWE’s First Response

As I mentioned, Paul Levesque gave a VERY uninspired press conference of his own on January 11th. The Press conference didn’t need to shake walls and break barriers, but you’d think Paul would show the same sort of enthusiasm for this project as he does for the domestic one (I’m talking NXT UK vs. NXT), right?

That’s where the ‘why’ comes in.

Why was this necessary? Why was it only posted on Facebook? Why was Triple H so unprepared for this presentation? Why did Charlotte, Finn Balor, and Pete Dunne come out to give half-assed…on and off kayfabe-y speeches?

Because it had to happen.

You see, shots had been fired by All Elite Wrestling, Tuesday night, and the WWE needed to return a volley. Like I said, maybe not directly, but certainly to take eyes off of AEW and back on WWE’s umbrella of brands.

When you skip back over to the ‘why’s,’ I’d also like you to ask yourself if you thought the UK Performance Center was already open. I know I did. So then why was this necessary? To fight back!

Triple H mentioned, over and over, the “health and wellness” of the athletes. Why was this so important? Because AEW won’t be able to compete with this. They don’t have the funds to pay for an onsite training center (brick and mortar or just personnel) that comes equipped with a health and wellness staff. And for any superstar considering either brand for their future…where would you feel more taken care of?

The most damning of Paul’s quotes was this:

“You could have the best athletes in the world, but if you can’t show them to the world, it doesn’t do you any good.”

AEW will find a home on TV, and if it’s a good product, they won’t struggle to find a significant destination for weekly, episodic television. But once again, AEW won’t be able to compete with the WWE on this front. Not only do they boast a two-decade-long relationship with the USA Network and NBC Universal, but they also just signed a $1 Billion contract with FOX. And on top of that…the WWE Network.

This Was Business, Not Personal

I feel like I’m a member of the Authority, even in typing that header out. But don’t mistake this strategic move as something personal, because it wasn’t. It was all business.

AEW was strategic in announcing their brand, and making it official, around the same time the WWE was producing its lowest-rated RAW programs in decades. Just like Vince McMahon announcing the XFL would return, right in the middle of the NFL’s toughest days. Or how about the McMahon family coming out on RAW to tell us they are attempting to change their programming? All business moves.

It’s one of the moves that the WWE will always be able to make, considering the size of their wallet. This type of impromptu move is something AEW, who makes most of their noise on social media and word-of-mouth, will have to contend with.

AEW is Good for Wrestling

The moral of the story here is that the WWE is taking notice and is already pivoting their message to combat the force and voice of AEW.

The more I think about this article, I realize I sound like a WWE fanboy, but I really do want AEW to succeed! If I’m right, about the WWE creating this silly press conference to push AEW to the back of the line, then what’s gonna happen when the next WWE superstar jumps ship and decides to work for Cody?

What’s gonna happen when Double or Nothing turns into Double or Something?

What will the WWE do to show the wrestling world that they are still number one?

It could be scary…but it could also be amazing!

If the battle for viewers is still to come, it is very apparent that the battle for talent is well-underway. Both press conferences weren’t for us. They were to make a statement for anyone wondering what either company is all about. Those that don’t have a signed contract with a major pro wrestling brand will need to decide if they want to “rough-it” with AEW or travel the world in style, with the WWE.

I’ll say this: if you choose one, you are guaranteeing a hardcore allegiance with wrestling fans all around the world. If you choose the other, more security now and a good deal of exposure for your future. You either need to bet on yourself (choose AEW and be confident enough that your abilities will make a name for yourself) or you bet on the company (siding with the WWE and assuming they’ll be around longer).

The good ol days of pro wrestling (I’m talking late 90’s you old farts!) could be back again. AND DAMN IS IT EXCITING!

And if you listen to the Triple H Press Conference again, take his final question to heart: “Are You Ready?”

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