Full Steam Ahead on Becky Lynch
Becky Lynch kneels to her competitors level to deliver the message of her career: You Bi%&$!!! Courtesy of the WWE.
By Matthew Klink (@klinkmatt)
August 29, 2018
The WWE decided that they have 100% made the right choice in having Becky Lynch turn heel and keeping Roman Reigns...ergh...hemh...I mean Charlotte Flair the face.
There is no denying that this story line is getting the fans hot and rowdy, but damn it all if they don't give two shits that Becky Lynch is supposed to be the heel. They are gonna cheer the hell out of her and will continue to get louder every time she pushes them away.
Mmmmm...the word 'hell'. Reminds me of another great WWE Superstar: Stone Cold Steve Austin. At this point, Becky Lynch is hitting a breaking point that is very similar to the same breaking point that Steve Austin hit. I'm, of course, referring to the point right before he became a face and was involved in the double-turn with Bret Hart. That maneuver is lauded as a genius decision that will forever be etched into our brains as a part of the many intelligent, accomplishments of Mr. Vincent Kennedy McMahon. But was it that great of a decision?
At the time, fans were already cheering Stone Cold and booing Bret Hart. They wanted to believe in a hero like Steve and were sick of the 'good ol guy' attitude of 'The Hitman'. The move was obvious and if anything, was made for the creative team and 'higher-ups' by the fans. I love it, but let's be real with this stuff.
Nothing could be more obvious at this point, that they need to embrace what they have with Becky Lynch. And it’s not for Becky Lynch...it’s for Charlotte. Charlotte is now at her own breaking-point, that I have mentioned and referred to on numerous occasions. Unlike Becky, being lucky enough to rub elbows with Stone Cold, Charlotte's breaking-point is more reflective of Roman Reigns and his roller coaster of a character.
I am definitely coming around on Roman Reigns...but only a little bit and its about 4 years too late. That being said, pull back on the story you're trying to shove down our throats (Charlotte being the sad and vulnerable figure) and let her be the spoiled brat (who can wrestle) that she used to play so well. Charlotte can even hold onto the title through this feud, but she absolutely cannot be forced to head down this weird path of being booed at live events (like Roman is), just because you want her to be the face. As hard as a journey this has been for Roman, I guarantee it won't be an easier for Charlotte.
It’s an unnecessary decision when you have such an obvious choice staring you in the face. Just as obvious as it was for the WWE to create the Stone Cold/anti-hero persona, it should be just as obvious to do the same for Becky. Give her new tunes. Blast that music when she's done beating up Flair. Let her crash feuds just because she feels like it. It’s something the Women's division is lacking right now and would be refreshing for the entire roster as a whole.
There is always this "she's a good gal" or "he's a bad guy" style of storytelling, during a time when story telling has evolved so many layers and levels beyond this. As I said a week ago, the fans, these women, and the Championship deserve better. For them to get a better product, I REPEAT, Becky doesn’t need to win the championship (since I feel like that point is missed too often). Let her every appearance feel like a party, like when Austin would hit the ring. You don’t have to sell her as appreciative, but you should stop selling Charlotte as “poor little old me”. It doesn’t work.
If you need more proof of how cool it could be, here you go:
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