No Man Is Ever Truly Good

No Man Is Ever Truly Good

Aleister Black, in all of his glory, is better utitlized when getting revenge, not holding a title. Courtesy of the WWE.

Aleister Black, in all of his glory, is better utitlized when getting revenge, not holding a title. Courtesy of the WWE.

By Matthew Klink (@klinkmatt)

August 2, 2018

Did you bear witness the reawakening of Aleister Black's NXT run last night? Cause I did.

Since winning the NXT Title, Black had traded in his wrestling shorts and 'leather-y' jacket, for a weekly turn at being "Corporate Black" (obviously in reference to Corporate Kane). He also traded in any semblance of a worthy feud or interesting story line for bland, "get to the next TakeOver" Championship grudge. 

I enjoyed and watched the Lars Sullivan match at TakeOver Chicago, but I couldn't begin to tell you how that clash started without looking it up. After all the late spring and early summer was all about the Undisputed Era, Velveteen Dream, and the REAL introduction of the One and Only, Ricochet. The mid-card over shadowed the main event...and now that we are in the future (or...the present), we can look back and analyze what went wrong.

For me, it starts and ends with Aleister Black's character. The man not only uses the a dark word for a name, his character is also very dark (duh). Listening to the operatic chants at the beginning of his entrance theme, seeing the tattooed covered body, and absorbing the silent, stalking attitude Black conveys, and anyone could see what Aleister was all about.

This idea that his title run wasn't great is nothing against his ability to speak on the mic and especially not against his abilities in the ring. But ask yourself this: how 'bad-ass' did you really think Aleister Black looked...when he came to the ring in a vest and tie? And how out of character did it feel for him to be touting and holding the NXT Championship? A guy who has an entrance theme that denounces good and evil and asks you to cheer (or maybe not cheer? Or maybe its 'who gives a f**k if you do or don't?) for the anti-hero. He's not John Cena. And no one is Tommaso Ciampa.

So why would a guy like that actually want to carry around a shiny, gold, 'look at me' belt over his shoulder?

Black is fun to root for because he doesn't beg you do it and he doesn't push you away either. He wants to kick ass because he's good at it. And that is when Aleister is truly brilliant. Have Velveteen Dream ask him to say his name. And when put in number one contender matches he wins because he's that damn good. But once he's got the title, the only story (that fits his character) is losing the title and getting revenge. Because I don't think his character works when he's only fighting to retain the belt. Character wise...he wouldn't give two shits. But if you cross better hope your chin is ready.

Aleister Black lost his championship a week ago to Tommaso Ciampa. However, it was not Black who outright lost his belt. It was all Johnny Gargano's fault. And Gargano reminded us, Tommaso Ciampa, and Aleister Black that it was all his fault this past Wednesday. After chasing Ciampa out of the ring (who was celebrating his most recent victory), Gargano grabbed a microphone and began his shouting fit at Full Sail arena. In this moment, Black could truly shine.

Patiently and quietly dissecting the situation (as Gargano lost control, screaming at Tommaso Ciampa), Aleister waited for the right moment to exact revenge. But it wasn't revenge on Tommaso Ciampa for taking his NXT Championship. Again...I argue his character would have other things on his mind. And they were!

As Gargano continued his tantrum in the ring, he lost focus and turned his body directly into Aleister's gaze. Without a pause, blink, breath, or hesitating glance, Aleister knocked Gargano's block off with a super kick. Rightly...exacting his revenge for the loss a week prior.

This move puts Aleister right in the middle of his sweet spot as a WWE Superstar. The perfect spot where Aleister focuses on beating guys up and ensuring no one stops him from doing that. This past Wednesday is a sign that Aleister has two points on his agenda going into the fall months: 1. Show the rest of the NXT locker room what happens when you get in his way. 2. Wipe that cocky smile off of Tommaso Ciampa's face.

I don't think Aleister's goal should be getting that NXT Title back. If he gets it back, it should be out of circumstance. Like, the man he needed to destroy just happened to be holding the belt at the hes champion. I'll double down here and say I don't think that title is going to leave Ciampa's shoulders for anyone but Johnny Gargano. And while we wait for that to happen, give Ciampa a chance to sneak out some victories while Aleister beats the snot out of Gargano.

Once WrestleMania rolls around, along with the accompanying TakeOver, we can reinsert Gargano into the Championship picture and give him a chance to finally take down his nemesis and Satan's least favorite cousin: Tommaso Ciampa.

My wish is that the eventual Gargano and Ciampa match does get put on hold...long enough to build anticipation for this match to go beyond boiling and ready to explode. While we wait, let Aleister Black teach Johnny Gargano, the rest of the NXT locker room, and his future competitors on the main roster, what he does to fools who get in his way. Gargano is the sacrifice for this story...but I'm fine with that.

Aleister Black will thrive in a feud, long or short, with Johnny Gargano. But not because its against Johnny Gargano. Its because someone done f-ed up. And Aleister is going to have to set it right. Gargano isn't truly good. Ciampa isn't truly evil. But Black is the man to deal out some justice.

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