WWE Presents Evolution! First All Woman Pay-Per-View!
These Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling have earned their own Pay-Per-View! The WWE makes an amazingly, emotionally, perfect announcement on Monday Night Raw!
By Matthew Klink (@klinkmatt)
July 23, 2018
The Women's roster is getting their own Pay-Per-View!
As Stephanie McMahon stated in her announcement today on Monday Night Raw, these women have earned the right to own and perform in the very first women's Pay-Per-View from WWE programming.
In what will be remembered as a historic moment in wrestling (only to be outdone on October 28th) Stephanie McMahon, Paul Levesque, and Vince McMahon held the spotlight for only a moment, as Levesque turned the spotlight to the superstars at the top of the stage. Every superstar from multiple brands stood, eagerly awaiting the momentous proclamation. However, the superstars that mattered was cut in half, as Triple H, after thanking every superstar for their hard work, asked all women to step forward.
In almost poetic fashion, Levesque took a seat for the rest of the promo. Just like the change in today's WWE started with steps taken by Levesque (who made his statement with a silent observer, Vince McMahon, watching him), the large, progressive, (arguably timely) and correct decisions made to ignite the women's revolution continued with Stephanie McMahon. Her speech was emotional and even caught yours truly taking a gulp and holding back a tear.
But this night wasn't only about McMahon. She rightly pivoted to acknowledge all of the hard work of the women's division. Recognizing that these ladies were so good, they changed the divas division to women's division, ended 30 second matches, and started main event-ing high priority shows.
She followed that pivot by letting the fans know that what they read about on dirt sheets and had all predicted we would see, for the last week, was coming true.
This is amazing and I'll have more thoughts tomorrow. For right now, lets celebrate this occasion, check Ticketmaster, and thank the WWE for getting it SUPER RIGHT!
WWE Evolution
October 28th, 2018
Nassau Coliseum
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