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Could Thanos, from Avengers Infinity War, Actually Help the WWE and Fix the Issues Surrounding Backlash?

By Matthew Klink (@klinkmatt)


Obviously…MASSIVE SPOILERS FOR Avengers Infinity War. If you haven’t watched the film and don’t want the movie spoiled, please don’t go on from here. I don’t directly mention the ending of the film, but there is still a major plot point discussed.

I mentioned it a few weeks ago once WrestleMania 34 wrapped up. These rosters are massive and it’s going to be tough to give everyone a story. I begged for the WWE to hold off on calling up too many NXT wrestlers, but of course, that didn’t happen. Ember Moon, Andrade “Cien” Almas, Sanity, and Authors of Pain are leading the march from NXT to the show.

My brother is smarter than I, so he is able to see the big picture and how we should just want a good show. Every show has characters that become irrelevant, die off, or lose screen time just through bad luck. Not to mention those that can’t find success with the unfortunate creative decisions set before them.

All of that is mixed with a main event scene that is led by an individual who can’t get the fans to stop booing. And most recently, at WWE Backlash, saw a mass exodus before the show was even over. Think about the fact that Finn Balor didn’t wrestle on this show. Finn Balor…

So…Big roster, boring creative, and poor talent decisions. There are too many people involved and not enough resources. It definitely reminds of the big box office smash, Avengers Infinity War.

The plot of the film rests around the big purple menace that is Thanos. The “Mad Titan” as he was referred to in the comics, is given that name by his size, power, and destructive capabilities. Thanos uses his power and influence, to go planet to planet, wreaking havoc, cutting populations in half. Thanos believes that cutting the population in half will cure starvation and a general lack of resources for these growing societies. Technology can’t keep up with the needs of a planet’s people, thusly leading to individuals struggling to survive and an eventual end to that planet’s usefulness. For Thanos himself, he lost his home planet and those who lived there with him. Thus, his solution to preventing this from happening to other planets, peoples, and societies is to cut that population in half, regardless of age, gender, race, social standing, intelligence, or whatever.

Thanos had success that he referenced in the film. He showed some of the Avengers how his success could help Earth and other planets. However, as the film’s general theme continued to play out, sacrifice is not a great solution. Multiple characters attempted to carry out action, paying the ultimate price, only to have that decision taken away from them by one of their comrades.

Anyway! Thanos makes good points about the scarcity of natural resources, but his solutions are insane. If he could use his power to just reposition some of the WWE Superstars to different promotions or maybe different career paths, we wouldn’t have the current problems being demonstrated on the roster now.

A snap of the fingers and WWE programming becomes less cluttered. The roster can finally give opportunity to some who deserve it. And there is a possibility that a WWE Pay-Per-View could end with happy fans both in the arena and watching at home.

It’s quite a risk though…If the Mad Titan is successful, any name on the roster is at risk. We could lose Daniel Bryan…AJ Styles…Shinsuke Nakamura…even…Alexa Bliss! Every life and pro wrestler would be at the mercy of a coin flip. We could be left with Mojo Rawley vs Roman Reigns as a WrestleMania 35 Main Event.

While Thanos could cure the problem of available title opportunities (or even Pay-Per-View matches…can you believe Finn Balor didn’t wrestle at freaking Backlash!?!?!), it’s too big of a risk…and Captain America established the rule for us: “We don’t sacrifice one life for another.”

So what is the solution?

Just like on Earth, we can’t just say: “Whelp, it’s too late. We’ll have to just keep plugging along, creating more garbage.” Don’t get me wrong. I know that’s what we are doing. But there is a better way!

We have to work to make better solutions. Decisions now will get the ball rolling on having a better future.

1.       Decide on a Money in the Bank champion who can take down the beast, Brock Lesnar. Get that damn title off of his waist.

2.       Throw Roman Reigns to the mid-card. Everything we do now is stale and old. We need a refreshed main event card. This is Roman hate, but creative hate. We’ve seen this before with Roman Reigns. If you were going to give him the title, you would’ve done it already. I don’t need to see him pick himself up by the bootstraps. That just means more casualties like Samoa Joe and whoever is next down the line.

3.       And stop being so stuck on guys like AJ and Daniel Bryan. Xavier Woods and Big E could carry championship gold that isn’t a tag title. Those guys are great together, but giving them gold doesn’t mean they need to split up. The tag divisions are fine.

4. More titles means more meaningful matches. I'm looking at considering 3-man tag, 205 Live Tag titles, Women's Tag Titles. Give the roster something to do besides the usual, stale, creative decisions. And make this show feel like a sport again!

5. DON'T mix the Pay-Per-Views! I don't want to watch five hour shows and three hours shows aren't long enough to have great matches AND give more of the roster an opportunity to show off. I figure this might be happening because Brock holding the title really sucks, but then maybe he shouldn't have the title (see number 1).

Those are five ideas I’ve been fighting for over the last few weeks. Unfortunately, they won’t happen. But I want to be excited to watch the WWE again. I don’t want to have skip watching Backlash with my brother because “I know the show is going to suck” and I'm being more responsible by going home to watch it.

The summer months are coming and, unfortunately, in the same vein as the Mad Titan's grand plan, certain wrestlers will have to fade away. These rosters are just too big and the WWE needs to keep rolling along. I know it won’t be half the roster, like in Avengers, but hopefully those released will find a quick turnaround and a happy future. Captain America had it right when he said the solution shouldn’t be to trade one life for another. Obviously, this is on a much smaller scale, but it would be nice to not see the eventual cuts that are coming.

Thanks for letting me be silly with a tough topic. What are your solutions to fix the WWE? Let me know in the comments!

Matthew Klink (@klinkmatt on Twitter)

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