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Is Roman Reigns Officially Not “the Guy”?


By Matthew Klink (@klinkmatt)

April 8th, 2018 was prophesized as the coming of the new “the Guy”. A true “Guy” would emerge after defeating an old, dead man… quite handily at that, one whole year previous to this special date. This prophesized challenger would crush the Old Fart’s dignity and bury it six feet into the ground. After he emerged victorious, that “Guy” would jump through hurdles and hoops to ensure his quest for glory appeared to be drowning in havoc. Although that journey was long and arduous, the common observer knew better. The common observer knew he would succeed. Knew he would triumph over every obstacle set before him. Knew he would have his day in the spotlight (once again…) and in that spotlight, he would slay the Beast. Head, clean off the Beast’s shoulders.

And the Beast was no common animal. He appeared impossible to defeat. Years of dominance, coupled with demolishing the former “Guy” on the roster and humanizing the aforementioned Deadman. Even in the Beast’s darkest hour, against his most formidable opponent, he found a way to overcome. The beast’s journey to this moment would be just as long, but with fewer hills to climb. He was, after all, already regarded universally as, the champion.

The Beast was a selfish champion. A champion who did not see the warrant in granting monthly requests at taking his spot as the universally recognized champion (as per the once perceived unbreakable rule). One that was so powerful, only a select few were deemed strong enough to challenge him. And even in those rare times the Beast accepted a challenge, he walked away victorious. Quickly and convincingly too. The end of his reign would be a welcome change for the common observer. A chance at getting back to monthly challengers and the end to his selfish, habitual, nonsense.

As the prophecy foretold, the burial of the Deadman would simultaneously signify the future slayer of the Beast and the man great enough to take the mantle of the “Guy”. As the date of April 8th, in the year Twenty Hundred and Eighteen, drew closer, the common observers rejoiced in knowing that this year long story would finally reach its end. The inevitable crowning of a new universally recognized champion would mean the end of the Beast’s terrible reign and the return to normalcy.

The use of the word ‘reign’ has been made more appropriate, as the one they call Roman, of the Reigns family, is the one chosen to fulfill this prophecy. He would awake, on April 8, a normal, peasant of a man. As he closed his eyes to prepare for the coming of the next age, he would do so as the universally recognized champion, the slayer of the Beast, and…for the company of which this tale was foretold…the “Guy”.

Whelp…none of that happened. And we got another taste of it at the Greatest Royal Rumble. And now its May and we’ll be a full month removed from WrestleMania next week. What is still considered to be inevitable for our dearest Roman, his eventual rise to power, has yet to come to fruition. Even in the most perfect of scenarios and at the grandest of stages, Roman walks the locker rooms without any gold around his waist.

Forgive the almost “Broken Matt Hardy” introduction, but this did feel like a yearlong prophecy out of a fairy tale. Roman was that peasant to be named King. The novice student turned teacher. The seemingly no one, molded into the someone everyone wants to be. Now, I know I was okay if Roman was never given this title, but I had decided I could live with it. Primarily because I was so sure it was going to happen. I feel like someone who had to look their mortality in the eye and was then told they weren’t going to die after all. I was robbed of my innocence…like so many others.

Maybe it was that feeling of being so sure that the WWE decided to act on.

Maybe this is just another way to keep Roman in the spotlight and build up his storyline of becoming our new hero.

Maybe we’re only a month away from Roman taking over for Brock, as the Universal Champion, and I’m causing a lot of undue concern.

OR MAYBE…The WWE is finally giving up on Roman Reigns!

Think about it!

Roman has proven to be ineffective against Lesnar

Roman isn’t beating Brock. Even in two straight matches where he was able to build his character and seemingly beat Brock (even though terrible booking ruined the ending in Saudi Arabia). And don’t get me wrong. I know that the Greatest Royal Rumble was a joke. This was a glorified house show and nothing more. But if Roman was going to beat Brock Lesnar, why hasn’t it happened yet? And since it hasn’t and this show wants to look and feel legitimate…should he continue to get chances?

Obviously Roman still has a claim to the number one contender spot, because the official apologized for botching the call. But how does this help in Roman’s journey? If the goal was to build up Roman and make him look like the “slayer of beasts” then have him triumphantly take him down through the cage. Give Roman an opportunity to show his power and flex his muscle and come out looking like he truly conquered an unbeatable force. Instead…we wait till the next big show? We give the fans more reason to grow restless and more opportunity for this already stale storyline to turn into sour milk? We’ve been taking sips of this milk since last April and I know we’re way past the expiration date.

The Fans Still Boo Roman

The boos haven’t stopped. The WWE could finally be aware of how badly the WWE Universe wants someone else to be their champion and this is how they are deciding to act. Imagine the special feeling we’ll all get when we see someone else take the title from the unbeatable champ. Even if this wasn’t the main plan, they have set themselves up to anoint their new champ and make this new victor the most feared man in the business.

When you think of the glory days and the reason people bought in to the WWE, it was because there were guys at the top who were universally loved. Guys that the fans respected and the cameras loved. Guys that could ‘go’ in the ring and tell a story on the mic. As much as Roman has made strides to better himself, he can’t undo all of the damage created by being the WWE’s unquestioned answer to ‘what happens after Cena?’

The longer they wait on making a move the more rabid the fan base will become. And I don’t think the WWE is stupid. If they wanted to pick the best possible time to make Roman the Universal Champion, it was when it was painfully obvious that it was going to happen. Make the fans mentally prepare themselves for the travesty and we’ll power through it. Instead, they have put themselves in a position of boring the fans on a whole new level and making the rest of the roster wait for a new storyline.

Like I said, I think the WWE is now aware of the choices they are making. They see Roman isn’t working and will now reconfigure the puzzle to fit a better piece into place. That piece is starting to make itself known on its own, but who exactly is poised to make that move?

The New “Guy”

Since Roman defeated the Undertaker, new wrestlers have been making names for themselves. While it might look unbelievable now for a few of those names to be successful against Lesnar, the fact that their stock continues to rise and Roman’s continues to fall could be a sign that those new contenders are one pin away, of Roman, to becoming the next in line.

Unfortunately, I’m not talking about Samoa Joe. Maybe he will pin Roman just to setup a feud with Brock that will result in him losing, but he’s not the next “Guy”.

That next “Guy” could come in the package of 6 foot 8 inch, bearded behemoth, in Braun Strowman. Strowman is loved by children and adults. He’s lovable, funny, fresh, and terrifying all at the same time. He’s lost to Brock before, but since when has a loss stopped the WWE from booking Roman Reigns in continuous challenger matches? Braun might still be some ways from being perfect, but he does allow the WWE to move on from Brock, give the title to a beloved wrestler, and they can legitimize their brand with a powerful monster carrying their title.

Now…my next list here might garner some eye-rolls, but then again…this is pro-wrestling. All you need is the small hint of belief that it is possible for it to make sense. I think that small, hint of belief comes in the form of three individuals. If you’re a fan of the podcast, a fan of pro-wrestling, or you can decipher context clues, you know I’m about to pick three under-sized competitors, but three competitors who have been at the top of their game since starting their careers. I’m talking, of course, about AJ Styles, Shinsuke Nakamura, and Daniel Bryan. All three could put on a show against Brock and could find ways to chop down the tree and wrestle it to submission. You know it would be amazing…and need I remind you that we all wanted Brock vs Bryan before the injuries? Well…I did it anyways.

Then there’s the fun picks. The ones that should happen, but never will. The ones that could propel a superstar to legendary status instantly, but the WWE would need to grow to huge ones to take that chance. I’m talking about someone like Big E. I’m talking about Cesaro getting thrown back into the singles mix. I’m talking about the newly re-branded Bray Wyatt. I get it! Those would never happen…now. But they could. And Roman will still get to be Roman Reigns. He could still defeat our new champion and rule for months. But he just won’t be beating Brock Lesnar.

So, I’ve gone in a direction that seems ridiculous to some, and just plain dumb to the rest of you. However, this might not only be a prediction, but a plea for the WWE to listen…as they have since this blog and podcast started (I’m talking Shinsuke predictions, 205 Live predictions, and new champion predictions).

Regardless of what the final decision is, Brock Lesnar should not be champion right now and shouldn’t be much longer. I want the Universal title to be interesting again and it starts with a new champion. Let Brock get his big bucks from the UFC. And while he does that, give the WWE fans someone new to cheer for and a storyline that can get the ball rolling in the right direction.

Matthew Klink (@klinkmatt on Twitter)

@BODPodcast for Twitter and Facebook