McInytre and Ziggler Steal the Show...and our Hearts

McInytre and Ziggler Steal the Show...and our Hearts

By Matthew Klink (@klinkmatt)

October 10, 2018

Its no secret that the Brothers of Discussion are huge fans of the ‘The Show’, the tag team of Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre. Since the beginning we saw the potential and endlessly whined about how important it was they were handled properly.

Now we live in a world where we were 100% correct about this tag team and we await their eventual demise. McIntyre has now hit a new height of heights and Dolph Ziggler has become the weaselly weak link. The same kind of weak link that Seth Rollins got away from…the first time the shield broke up. The same kind of weak link that Shawn Michaels got away from, when he threw Marty Jannetty through a window. The same kind of weak link that Diesel separated from…in the same Heartbreak Kid mentioned a sentence ago.

We know its coming…and it could have just as easily come this past Monday. Its so close to getting here…that bets are on the table as to whether Dean Ambrose or Drew McIntyre was going to turn first. We might have that answer now.

In a shocking twist, when Dolph was proving to be just an ineffective as ever, he got in a verbal spat with the largest man on campus, Braun Strowman. In that audible toss of insults, Strowman got fed up with dealing with Ziggler and decided it was time to end it…by grabbing his throat!

In his menacing grip was not only the “Show-Off’s” neck, but the life of a tag team/faction. What the WWE was (kind of) naming “The Wall”, was starting to crumble. The last two weeks had revealed the types of conversations being had “behind closed doors”. While Ziggler was as confident as ever (who wouldn’t be as a tag team champion with Drew McIntyre), it was McIntyre and Strowman who were becoming increasingly frustrated.

That frustration had hit its peak in the moment where Strowman decided enough was enough. But to my surprise…possibly yours..even Ziggler’s…McIntyre waved the flag of “The Show” and stopped Strowman from dismantling his tag partner. McIntyre revealed that he wasn’t just frustrated with Ziggler, but tired of taking orders from Strowman. While Strowman may have wanted to crush Ziggler, McIntyre’s grimace revealed he was ready to slay the monster.

In what would be no easy task, McIntyre’s choice of Ziggler over Strowman…was kind of heart warming. It showed how strong the loyalties are between two misfits who have clawed their way from the bottom of the well. Much stronger than becoming the ally of an already “over” superstar. And a superstar that couldn’t get the Universal Title with or without the help of Ziggler and McIntyre.

Just like the moments after “The Show” held onto their tag titles, when McIntyre carried Ziggler away from the ring with him slung over his shoulder, this moment demonstrated that these guys are in this together.

And don’t get me wrong…this will end soon enough. And McIntyre will go off into the world of Main Event status and leave Dolph behind. But right now, watching this tag team get pushed to the peak of the mountain…just feels good to watch. And if you question that, consider the story on Monday Night Raw ended with Ambrose walking away from his long time Tag Team. While Ziggler, McIntyre, and their reluctant partner Strowman, celebrated as the show went off the air.

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