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RAW Preview 10-15-2018: Dolph Ziggler vs Dean Ambrose & Drew McIntyre vs Seth Rollins

Drew McIntyre stares down his future competition in Braun Strowman. Courtesy of the WWE.

By Matthew Klink (@klinkmatt)

October 15, 2018

With last week’s epic 6-man showdown teasing a feud between Drew McIntyre and Braun Strowman as well as wetting our appetites for a Shield break-up, the WWE is nailing the main event scene. To further the story lines brewing between these six competitors, the WWE is giving us two World Cup qualifying matches tonight that could give us two matches I don’t think we’re ready for…but I want so freaking BADLY!!!!

Drew McIntyre faces his summer fling and rival, Seth Rollins. Photo courtesy of the WWE.

One of the matches is Drew McIntyre vs Seth Rollins. We’ve seen these two guys go at it before, but with out very much on the line. Drew McIntyre has proven himself to be the better man, so far, so it’ll be interesting to see if they let McIntyre truly own this rivalry (with another victory) or if they find a creative way to get Seth Rollins.

At this point, both men could stomach a loss. Drew seems to have solidified his awesomeness against the field of main roster combatants. Especially with the pop he received for coming to Dolph Ziggler’s defense last week. And Seth Rollins…well…he’s Seth Rollins. All it took this week to get hype for a WrestleMania match was the mere suggestion that Kenny Omega would come to the WWE. And who was the first person on everyone’s mind for his opponent? The other best in the world, right now: Seth.

That being said, Rollins or McIntyre winning makes the next match all the more intriguing.

The lunatic fringe, Dean Ambrose, faces Dolph Ziggler in the second of two World Cup qualifiers.

That ‘next match’ is Dolph Ziggler vs Dean Ambrose. The interesting aspect for this match is the potential to see one of two predicted ‘break-ups’ come to fruition in this World Cup tournament. Having the lunatic fringe take down Ziggler, who I think we’d all agree that recent booking for these two puts Ambrose as the favorite, could mean a chance for Ambrose to prove his worth to himself.

The story going on now is that Dean is unsure of his role with the Shield right now, other than second fiddle to Rollins and Reigns. If Dean can beat Ziggler and find himself as the winner of this World Cup, he’ll be right back in the main event conversation. For Ziggler, its much of the same, but his character is sure of himself. Ziggler hasn’t questioned his abilities and that Tag Title over his shoulder is all the proof he needs right now (regardless is McIntyre is literally carrying him).

Even more fun to think about is the potential end game: the thought of Ambrose going head to head with Rollins or McIntyre having to take down Ziggler.

Like I said, I don’t think we’re ready for those matches yet, but it is rather exciting to think that we could be on the cusp of seeing some fun stories get that extra push soon. And if it doesn’t happen, we know there will be some strong hints and nods at the pots currently boiling over in both of these factions (the Shield and the Wall).

Beyond these two matches (which should be amazing bouts) there’s going to be some finger pointing by Ronda Rousey, probably a Bobby Lashley ‘bad-guy promo’, and some mention of the Brothers of Destruction. Feel free to spell Destruction wrong when you’re tweeting about it!

Enjoy folks and let us know what you think about the show!

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