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Full Gear and a Full Week of Wrestling

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AEW’s  Women’s Division

What really stinks is Cody Rhodes’ attempt to avoid answering a great question. Why isn’t there a better story being built up for Nyla Rose and Hikaru Shida? Saying his response was lackluster is almost a disservice to what a travesty it was.

Cody basically explained that he doesn’t rely on storytelling to do the talking in AEW (teehee!). The issue is how his character’s main use is on the mic. We’d be remiss to not mention the fact that every other feud on the card revolves around AT LEAST a two-week attempt at telling SOME sort of story. Especially the AEW Championship match and the long-awaited match between Hangman Page and Kenny Omega.

We get into our thoughts and feelings about Mr. Rhodes’ response, but the long story short is this: Cody screwed up by not apologizing for the lack of story. It may seem like he’s apologized too much for this already, but that will continue to be the case until there is more time and effort put in that division.

Unfortunately for Cody, he wants all of the praise for going up against Vince McMahon and finding success. It only makes sense that he takes the brunt of the blow when it comes to the product we see every week, in terms of a women’s division.

Below is the list of everything else we touched on for the week.

  • Jericho gives a non-political donation to Trump for $3000

    • Our heroes are Lance Storm and MVP

      • Who called out Ice Cube of all people for allowing himself to be a political prop, whoopee

  • Thunderdome guaranteed through February, meaning no fans for Rumble

    • Any ideas for more crowd involvement? For countdowns?

  • Cody is Cody Rhodes again!

    • Rhodes dropped by WWE finally

  • Cody says women’s match doesn’t really need stories

    • But uh...this is the most story-driven PPV of AEW’s young life

  • Alexa Bliss spewing blood!

  • Mustafa Ali (moos-tuh-fuh) requests Charlie to use his full name be used and pronounced correctly

    • NOT “mu sta fah.”

The Wednesday Night Wars


  • 2. Kai pins Ember Moon

  • Kushida defeats Cameron Grimes

    • Messy

  • 3. Maverick + Dain defeat Ever-Rise

    • Pat McAfee and Merry Men interfere

    • Slam door of car on Dain

  • 1. Tonitonitonitoni Storm defeats Shotzi

    • Candice LeRae destroys tank

    • Toni Storm with fair pin

  • Dishonorable - Xia Li wants to challenge Raquel

  • Ciampa defeats Velveteen

  • Pat McAfee with another A+ promo

AEW Dynamite

  • Ortiz + Sammy lose to MJF + Wardlow

  • 2 Darby/m Pac is back: “the world is rotten, and he wants to do something about it”

  • 3 Miro defeats Trent

  • Bucks defeat Private Party

  • 1 Kingston and Moxley sell Full Gear

  • Dis Red Velvet v Nyla Rose

  • Cody + Gunn Club defeat Dark Order

AEW Full Gear 

  • Moxley v Eddie Kingston for the AEW championship

    • Predicting Moxley in this one. Eddie Kingston is a true master of the promo, but I think that earns him another ‘go’ at the title, not necessarily a victory.

  • Omega v Hangman for the #1 contenders

    • I taking Kenny Omega in this one. I think the ultimate story is Kenny Omega vs Moxley for the title. Of course, Moxley has to get the victory over the Mad King, but I’m predicting both!

  • Young Bucks v FTR for the tag title

  • Nyla rose v Hikaru Shida for the AEW Women’s title

  • Jericho v MJF for entry into the Inner Circle

  • Cody RHODES v Darby Allin for the TNT championship

  • Matt Hardy v Sammy Guevara in Elite/Deletion match

  • Orange Cassidy v John Silver

  • NWA Championship Serena Deeb v Alysin Kay