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We're All Just Gonna Pretend R-Truth Didn't Win the Main Event on SmackDown Live?

By Matthew Klink (@klinkmatt)

August 5, 2018

For a guy who has pretty much lived through the same "nothing" role for the last several years, R-Truth puts in a consistent, 100%, strong effort. Its a goofball role that serves as a "time-filler". A much needed role, but one I'm sure no one is knocking down doors to have. More recently, the role has been used to give a platform and screen time to fading or forgotten superstars.  For all of the whining and complaining, we as wrestling fans do, for the wrestlers who put in an honest effort and get nothing back, is there another guy on the roster deserving of a bit more? Maybe...but there is no denying this guy owns his role and loves to put on a show for us.

I won't turn this into another call-to-action article, but we should appreciate R-Truth and what he does for the WWE. I mean, the guys goes weeks at a time with nothing to do, but when his number gets called, Truth is out there rapping to the fans without missing a beat. Its not the most difficult song in the world, but I only know the same two words of lyrics myself. 

Last night was a definite victory for all of the small-time guys on the main event roster, as R-Truth put down the king of heels, the Miz, in none other than the main of event of SmackDown Live. Giving R-Truth this match and the nod for the victory isn't just a recognition of his efforts, but it also means he'll have reason to be on our TV's for a few weeks to come. 

And obviously this match and its ending were only put together to help build the feud between Daniel Bryan and the Miz, but it only adds to the importance of R-Truth and necessary it is for him to be ready at all times. 

It was Bryan entering the arena that gave R-Truth the opportunity to get a roll-up victory on the Miz. But we all know how the WWE works. R-Truth can use this to ignite weeks of useless, time-filling segments. I do see R-Truth getting into some sort of championship conversation now that he has put down the Miz. And if they really want to make sure he never sniffs the championship scene, at least his fun segments with Tye Dillinger won't be going away anytime soon.

Obviously, with the Mixed-Match challenge coming back to the airwaves (or...the cloud...or Facebook...whatever) Truth and Carmella are looking to be favorites heading in. Truth has made Carmella a function of his storyline for the past couple of months (as his way to get a championship match), but it looks like teaming up with Mella, opposed to his proposal of a fight, will be Truth's path to glory.

Thanks to the man, R-Truth, for putting in these arduous years under his belt. His current established character should definitely shine in the Mixed-Match Challenge, if the plan isn't to include him on the SmackDown roster on a weekly basis. Now we just need to make more time for Finn Balor, Sanity, Rusev, Kevin Owens, Nakamura, AOP, Sasha Banks, Bayley, The Fashion Police....(The list goes on and on and on).

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