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Stone Cold Becky Lynch Strikes Again

Becky Lynch attacks Charlotte Flair during a photo shoot to remind us all who is the Queen of the WWE Roster and Women’s Champion. Photo Courtesy of the WWE.

By Matthew Klink (@klinkmatt)

September 26, 2018

*Crash*! Dun dun dun-dun Dun Dun! REAAOOORR! (That’s my written version of the Stone Cold Steve Austin entrance theme).

Becky Lynch does it again! Another week into her title reign and she shows us why she wants to be known as the Queen of the WWE roster. Maybe more important than ‘Queen’ is the title of the next Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Hours before SmackDown Live started, Becky Lynch crashed a Charlotte Flair photo shoot, just…because. Because she knows the WWE Universe wants to see her, but she also just wants to add a little chaos to her competition’s routine.

She took out Charlotte, stood over her victim, and asked the photographer to document the destruction. And she didn’t do it with a vile sneer, but with a smile and a happy, ‘can-do’ attitude. It felt like whoever was in charge of setting up Becky Lynch’s character for the next few weeks was reading the blog. She’s not evil, but wants to ensure she gets respect and sends the messages that need to be sent.

The first thought that came to mind in watching Becky beat up Charlotte, was the grocery store fight between Booker T and Steve Austin. While Becky’s shenanigans weren’t as long as Booker and Austin’s fight or motivated for the same reasons, it was still clear that she was coming into this attack with an Austin-like level of enjoyment and fun.

That wasn’t the end of the night for Becky either. She approached Lana and Rusev later in the night to verbally trash her opponent before their match. It was classic Steve Austin style in playfully bringing up the Milwaukee story line and calling it a" “fun town”. While Aiden English and Lana wouldn’t utter a single hint at what happened in Milwaukee, Becky’s winks and nods told the whole story. It was a beautiful exchange.

Just like Austin, Becky followed through with a great win and got to walk away, not only as a brash and confident champion, but a successful one.

I’ll say we’re now living in the time where Becky Lynch discovers her most successful version of herself we will ever see.

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