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WWE Super Show-Down Preview

By Matthew Klink (@klinkmatt)

October 5, 2018

Here is your quick…somewhat satirized…preview of the WWE Super Show-Down, live from Melbourne Australia, 5am EST, on the WWE Network.

Its not going to be the best show of all time…but it will be the earliest I’ve ever gotten up to watch wrestling. We know that the Greatest Royal Rumble was a glorified house show, so hopefully this show actually has a couple endings scheduled for their matches (like Daniel Bryan vs the Miz and Samoa Joe vs AJ Styles).

Regardless if we get some real punch-ups to these story lines or not, we do know there will be some fun wrestling to watch and probably a surprise or two. Where will those surprises come from? Which match will be best? Check out the preview below and let us know what you think in the comments!

WWE Super Show-Down matches

Triple H vs. The Undertaker:  Ugh…watch two old guys try to lift each other and try to prove to themselves that they’ve still got it. While John Cena and Roman Reigns weren’t enough to sell out the stadium in Melbourne, hopefully the boat load of money they paid Shawn Michaels to Superkick Kane will sell out the arena.

Look, obviously this match will be the main event and obviously the wrestling won’t be the best we see that night. Age + jet lag + age + ring rust + age = yikes. Wear your helmets and don’t take your shirt off is the best advice I can give for this match. Maybe…MAYBE…no winner as the match is really just a promotion for the Crown Jewel…where Shawn Michaels returns to the ring.  

The Shield vs. Braun Strowman, Dolph Ziggler & Drew McIntyre: Could be fun, but obviously this is as low as the stakes get. What this match does have going for it is the tease of either Ziggler, McIntyre, or Ambrose turning away from their friends. Other than that…I feel like we’ll get some good action and someone is definitely going through a table.

The Shield are winning this one. 

WWE Championship -- AJ Styles (c) vs. Samoa Joe (No Disqualification, No Countout): There has to be a winner…right? I mean…it’s not like they’re gonna go ‘no contest’ in title matches…in back-to-back pay-per-views…right? (I KNOW IT WAS BRAUN AND ROMAN THAT FINISHED IN NO CONTEST!!!!) Okay…So I’m going to say…against my better judgement…that this match ends clean. Regardless, we’re going to get some good wrestling and the Australian fans will be treated to one hell of an in-ring story by two of the best in the business right now. 

Sorry Joe…back to the mid card. AJ Styles is winning this one.  

Ronda Rousey & The Bella Twins vs. The Riott Squad: LOL! Talk about making sure you brought your helmet. The Bella Twins aren’t going to let anyone walk away from this match (I didn’t mean it like that Daniel Bryan! You know…because they’re so dominant in the ring) including Rousey…setting up the greatest Women’s Championship ever! LOL AGAIN! This one isn’t ending clean. 

Daniel Bryan vs. The Miz (No. 1 Contender): AAAAAAHHHHH!!! We could not be covering this match any more than we already are. This storied rivalry continues and even now, there is potential for this rivalry to end in a WWE Championship match at WrestleMania! Let do it WWE!

I’m picking the Miz…based on my hope…and that the WWE does appear to be leaning this direction already. But…they’ve made dumber decisions before! 

SmackDown Women's Championship -- Becky Lynch (c) vs. Charlotte Flair: Talk about giving too much coverage to one match: BINGO!!! This will be another glorious match between two of the best in the business. Their rivalry is now hitting some fantastic levels of hatred too, so watch out for some fantastic in-ring stories to unfold between Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair.

I feel like this might not end clean. Maybe a heel turn for Charlotte? Something has to happen for these two to have to face off at Evolution. Don’t forget…one of those alternatives to continue the feud is Charlotte winning. Just know…if Charlotte wins…Becky gets her rematch before the end of the month.

John Cena & Bobby Lashley vs. Kevin Owens & Elias:  Uh…Cena and Lashley are winning this one. But obviously…the winners should be the guys that received nuclear heat for teasing the city of Seattle and the dumb Supersonics. It won’t be a technical dream match, but Owens and Elias will be great together. Turn up those TV’s and make sure you hear some unforgettable and hilarious lines from the Heralds of Heel Humor (that’s right…HHH).

Cena and his partner win. 

SmackDown Tag Team Championship -- New Day (c) vs. The Bar: Uh…this gives me pause. I think it would be cool for the Bar, but I also think the WWE doesn’t really want to see too many title changes at this show. After all…the Greatest Royal Rumble was just a glorified House Show. And maybe there is a better way to build up a battle between these two. If we know the titles aren’t changing hands, lets make one of these teams hurt the other and force a rematch.

New Day wins. 

Asuka & Naomi vs. The IIconics: The IIconics are in desperate need for a win. We’re in Australia…come on…They have done a tremendous job on the mic, they aren’t terrible, and if anything, It’ll give them some legitimacy for their trip back to the states. They talk trash 24/7, but they lack any real reason for us to take it seriously. Its like a comedian who hasn’t figured out good transitions yet. they don’t have to be better than your joke, but a little effort helps out the joke. Let’s make the IIconics less than a joke.

If they do a Women’s Tag team Championship, let Naomi and Asuka compete for it, but at least let the IIconics win in Australia!


Cruiserweight Championship -- Cedric Alexander (c) vs. Buddy Murphy: What? There’s a preshow? When the heck does that start? Ugh…

Cedric Alexander.