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The Most Important Match at WWE Super Show-Down

The Miz must send Daniel Bryan packing to begin his ascent to glory as WWE Champion. Photo courtesy of the WWE.

By Matthew Klink (@klinkmatt)


You thought that Triple H and the Undertaker was the most important match at Super Show-Down? Ha! You silly goose!

The most important thing going ‘Down’ in Australia is the number one contenders match between Daniel Bryan and the Miz. With every other match either being built just to give the fans an Australia a reason to see big names or has the potential to end in ‘no contest’, this match is the one to watch for.

Now, we’ve talked at length about the rivalry between Daniel Bryan and the Miz before. It has been built up, not only for the past couple years, but for nearly a decade. Daniel Bryan and the Miz are destined for glory and are destined to tell one of the best wrestling stories of all time. And tomorrow morning (from the domestic US perspective) it continues with the most important match since this rivalry started.

The winner gets a shot at the WWE Championship. Whether AJ Styles or Samoa Joe walk away as the champion means very little. Because the winner of the number one contenders match will be the WWE Champion soon after.

And furthermore…I see only one winner that makes sense for this feud. One winner that…after all of the fighting…all of the name calling…all of the cheating…all of the injuries and waiting…all of the pain…the mental pain…the physical pain…all of the punches…the KICKS! After all of it…the only man who should win this match is…


The Miz absolutely should win this match…continue his streak against Daniel Bryan and become our new WWE Champion. Even as much as it pains me to see AJ Styles leave the Championship scene (not just yet, but soon), nothing would be more appropriate for the Daniel Bryan and Miz story line, then to have the Miz win the Championship.

Again, we’ve talked about this…almost to a fault…about how important it is for this feud to continue to WrestleMania. For this feud to have the highest stakes possible. For this feud to include a down-on-his-luck Daniel Bryan who just can’t seem to get the better of his arch rival. And to include an overly confident…way past cocky…WWE Champion…in the Miz.

The redemption story line gets mixed with the bitter rivalry, swirled together with the triumphant face, the comeback, the new gold, the teaching of a lesson…and so much more than just that.

The potential here is to complete the story line of a lifetime and have it potentially main event your biggest show. The world loves Daniel Bryan and the world (respectfully and to his credit) hates the Miz. Its very rare you can get these two things to work so well and the WWE is staring it in the face…NOW! They must get this right! Daniel Bryan must lose to the Miz tomorrow. And the Miz…must become the WWE Champion!

And trust me, if Daniel wins tomorrow, hes in an emotionless battle against Samoa Joe or AJ Styles. Or hes in a ‘dream match’ scenario with AJ Styles with a true heel or face. Granted…we’ll get a good match out of Bryan and Styles, but nothing would compare to seeing Daniel Bryan have to rise from the ashes to take down his bitter rival in this tremendously well written feud.

The WWE Super Show-Down is coming to us Live from Melbourne Australia at 5AM EST! We’ll have all of the coverage, tomorrow morning broadcast to you live and of course, on the podcast.

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